Structural Modeling

The following notebook is comprised of 9 primary steps:

  1. Initialize required packages, directories and parameters
  2. Load and inspect the surface data
  3. Decluster and normal score transform
  4. Variogram calculation and modeling
  5. Simulation and back-transformation
  6. Simulation checking
  7. Base surface calculation
  8. 3-D grid and keyout calculation
  9. Save project setting and clean the output files

1. Initialize required packages and parameters

In [1]:
import pygeostat as gs
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Loading default Pygeostat Parameters from C:\Users\MostafaHadavand\.Pygeostat\Parameters.json

Load project settings and modify where required

Load the Matplotlib and Pygeostat project defaults.

In [2]:

Assign the number of realization and griddef to variables for convenience.

In [3]:
# a path to executables can be defined
In [4]:
# nreal = gs.Parameters['data.nreal']
print('nreal = {}'.format(nreal))
griddef = gs.Parameters['data.griddef']
nreal = 100
120 5.0 10.0 
110 1205.0 10.0 
1 0.5 1.0

The cmap was set to bwr in the previous section - reset to the Matplotlib default

In [5]:
gs.Parameters['plotting.cmap'] = 'viridis'

Directories and files

In [6]:
# create the output directory
outdir = 'Output/'

2. Load and inspect the surface data

Load the data and note its attributes

In [7]:
dat = gs.ExampleData('reservoir_surface')
print('columns = {}'.format(dat.columns.values))
print('x column = {}, y column = {}'.format(dat.x, dat.y))
columns = ['HoleID' 'X' 'Y' 'Top Elevation' 'Thickness' 'Base Elevation']
x column = X, y column = Y

Summary statistics

The DataFile describe excludes special attributes.

In [8]:
Top Elevation Thickness Base Elevation
count 230.000000 230.000000 230.000000
mean 379.173739 50.096391 329.077348
std 2.607090 4.376842 4.571519
min 372.070000 37.730000 315.850000
25% 377.222500 47.502500 327.137500
50% 378.950000 49.390000 329.140000
75% 380.782500 51.900000 332.225000
max 386.330000 62.870000 340.870000

Location map

In [9]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
axes = axes.flatten()
for var, ax in zip(dat.variables, axes):
    gs.location_plot(dat, var=var, cbar_label='m', title=var, ax=ax)
# Remove the unneeded fourth axis

3. Decluster and Normal Score Transform

Declustering defines the spatially representative distribution of the Top Elevation and Thickness. These distributions are then used for the normal score transformation, generating conditioning data that is used for calculating normal score variograms and conditioning sequential Gaussian simulation.

Note that variograms are often calculated on data that are normal score transformed without declustering weights. Given the controversy of the subject, the more convenient method is selected for this course (since declustering with weights is absolutely required for conditioning).

Decluster the data

All variables are homotopically sampled, so only one variable need be considered for declustering.

In [10]:
declus = gs.Program(exedir+'declus')
In [11]:
os.path.join(outdir, 'declus.out')
In [12]:
# Cell size based on the data spacing study in the intro notebook
cellsize = 90
parstr = """   Parameters for DECLUS

{datafl}                 -file with data
{xyzcol}   {varcol}      -  columns for X, Y, Z, and variable
-1.0e21     1.0e21       -  trimming limits
junk.out                 -file for summary output
{outfl}                  -file for output with data & weights
1.0   1.0                   -Y and Z cell anisotropy (Ysize=size*Yanis)
0                           -0=look for minimum declustered mean (1=max)
1  {cellsize}  {cellsize}   -number of cell sizes, min size, max size
5                           -number of origin offsets
pars = dict(datafl=dat.flname, xyzcol=dat.gscol(,
            varcol=dat.gscol('Top Elevation'),
            outfl=os.path.join(outdir, 'declus.out'), cellsize=cellsize)**pars))
Calling:  ['../pygeostat/executable/declus', 'temp']

DECLUS Version: 3.000

 data file = c:\users\mostafahadavand\anaconda3\envs\
 columns =            2           3           0           4
 tmin,tmax =    -1.000000E+21    1.000000E+21
 summary file = junk.out                                
 output file = Output/declus.out                       
 anisotropy =         1.000000        1.000000
 minmax flag =            0
 ncell min max =            1       90.000000       90.000000
 offsets =            5

There are      230 data with:
  mean value            =    379.17374
  minimum and maximum   =    372.07001   386.32999
  size of data vol in X =    970.03998
  size of data vol in Y =   1080.00000
  size of data vol in Z =      0.00000

  declustered mean      =    379.24036
  min and max weight    =      0.42091     2.19493
  equal weighting       =      1.00000

DECLUS Version: 3.000 Finished

Stop - Program terminated.

Load and inspect the declustering results

In the context of the upcoming modeling steps, Base Elevation is not considered a variable. Use of the notvariables kwarg on initialization excludes it from the variables attribute.

In [13]:
dat = gs.DataFile('Output/declus.out', notvariables='Base Elevation')
print('declustering weight = ', dat.weights)
print('variables = ', dat.variables)
declustering weight =  Declustering Weight
variables =  ['Top Elevation', 'Thickness']
In [14]:
gs.location_plot(dat, var=dat.weights)
<mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.LocatableAxes at 0x1dcc6c657b8>

Normal score transform

In [15]:
unscore = gs.Program(exedir+'unscore')
In [16]:
parstr = """   Parameters for NSCORE

{datafl}                  -file with data
{nvar} {varcols}          -  number of variables and columns
{wtcol}                   -  column for weight, 0 if none
0                         -  column for category, 0 if none
0                         -  number of records if known, 0 if unknown
-1.0e21   1.0e21          -  trimming limits
0                         -transform using a reference distribution, 1=yes
../histsmth/histsmth.out  -file with reference distribution.
1   2   0                 -columns for variable, weight, and category
1000                       -maximum number of quantiles, 0 for all
{outfl}                   -file for output
{trnfl}                   -file for output transformation table
pars = dict(datafl=dat.flname, nvar=dat.nvar,
            outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'nscore.out'), trnfl = os.path.join(outdir,'nscore.trn'))**pars))
Calling:  ['../pygeostat/executable/unscore', 'temp']
 UNSCORE Version: 1.1.1
 data file = Output/declus.out
  columns =            4           5           7           0
  number of records =            0
  trimming limits =  -1.000000000000000E+021  1.000000000000000E+021
  consider a different reference dist =            0
  file with reference distribution = ../histsmth/histsmth.out                
  columns =            1           2           0
  maximum number of quantiles =         1000
  file for output = Output/nscore.out
  file for transformation table = Output/nscore.trn
 Determining size of Output/declus.out
 Reading Output/declus.out
 Building transform table   1 category   1
 Building transform table   2 category   1
 Computing normal scores    1 category   1
 Computing normal scores    2 category   1
 Generating output file
 Total execution time 0.070 seconds.

 UNSCORE Version: 1.1.1 Finished

Load and inspect the normal score transformation result

Use the notvariables kwarg leads to isolation of the normal score variables as the dat_ns.variables attribute. Since DataFiles with iniitialized wts are passed to histplt, wt may be True.

In [17]:
dat_ns = gs.DataFile(os.path.join(outdir, 'nscore.out'), 
                     notvariables=['Base Elevation']+dat.variables)
print('variables = ', dat_ns.variables)
variables =  ['NS_Top Elevation', 'NS_Thickness']
In [18]:
HoleID X Y Top Elevation Thickness Base Elevation Declustering Weight NS_Top Elevation NS_Thickness
0 3.0 405.63 2135.75 376.69 47.98 328.71 1.314446 -0.97569 -0.42111
1 5.0 235.89 1865.70 379.69 51.00 328.69 1.973776 0.22327 0.46519
2 6.0 325.03 2055.81 376.86 49.34 327.52 1.025138 -0.85014 0.04552
3 7.0 675.54 2195.25 381.49 48.75 332.74 0.912454 0.85265 -0.21400
4 8.0 355.73 1995.74 376.97 48.94 328.03 1.758901 -0.79922 -0.14376
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
225 296.0 245.18 1655.43 378.33 49.45 328.88 1.973776 -0.22713 0.08391
226 297.0 715.53 1845.27 380.60 47.48 333.12 0.516043 0.58374 -0.58766
227 298.0 685.11 1605.33 374.90 50.95 323.95 0.548732 -1.79667 0.43325
228 300.0 835.21 1455.71 376.89 49.25 327.64 1.093967 -0.83368 -0.03194
229 301.0 125.06 1455.92 379.69 52.50 327.19 1.098478 0.20613 0.84717

230 rows × 9 columns

In [19]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2 , 2, figsize=(10, 10))
for var, ax in zip(dat.variables, axes[0]):
    gs.histogram_plot(dat, var=var, weights=True, ax=ax, stat_blk='minimal', color='salmon')
for var, ax in zip(dat_ns.variables, axes[1]):
    gs.histogram_plot(dat_ns, var, weights=True, ax=ax, 
               xlim=(-3, 3), stat_blk='minimal', color='lime')  

4. Variogram Calculation and Modeling

Normal score variograms are calculated and modeled, before being input to sequential Gaussian simulation in the next section.

In [20]:
var_calc = gs.Program(program=exedir+'varcalc')
In [21]:
parstr = """      Parameters for VARCALC
{file}                             -file with data
2 3 0                              -   columns for X, Y, Z coordinates
2 8 9                           -   number of variables,column numbers (position used for tail,head variables below)
{t_min}    1.0e21                   -   trimming limits
{n_directions}                                  -number of directions
0.0 90 10000 0.0 22.5 1000 0.0   -Dir 01: azm,azmtol,bandhorz,dip,diptol,bandvert,tilt
 {n_lag}  {lag_length}  {lag_tol}            -        number of lags,lag distance,lag tolerance
{output}                          -file for experimental variogram points output.
0                                 -legacy output (0=no, 1=write out gamv2004 format)
1                                 -run checks for common errors
1                                 -standardize sills? (0=no, 1=yes)
2                                 -number of variogram types
1   1   1   1                     -tail variable, head variable, variogram type (and cutoff/category), sill
2   2   1   1                     -tail variable, head variable, variogram type (and cutoff/category), sill

n_directions = 1
varcalc_outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'varcalc.out'),
                                  n_directions = 1,
                                  t_min = gs.Parameters['data.tmin'],
                                  lag_length = 30.0,
                                  lag_tol = 20.0,
Calling:  ['../pygeostat/executable/varcalc', 'temp']

varcalc version:  1.400

  data file: Output/nscore.out
  x,y,z columns:            2           3           0
  number of variables:            2
  Variable columns:            8           9
  tmin,tmax:   -998.000000000000       1.000000000000000E+021
  number of directions:            1
  direction parameters:
 azm,azmtol,bandhorz  0.000000000000000E+000   90.0000000000000     
 dip,diptol,bandvert  0.000000000000000E+000   22.5000000000000     
 tilt  0.000000000000000E+000
 nlags,lagdist,lagtol          10   30.0000000000000     
  output file: Output/varcalc.out
  legacy output?            0
  run checks?            1
  attempt to standardize sills?            1
  number of variogram types:            2
 Variogram tail,head,type           1           1           1
  standardizing with sill =   1.00000000000000     
 Variogram tail,head,type           2           2           1
  standardizing with sill =   1.00000000000000     
 Reading data file
 Setting up final parameters for variogram calculation
 Calculating variograms...
  working on direction            1
In [22]:
varfl_exp = gs.DataFile(varcalc_outfl)
Variogram Index Lag Distance Number of Pairs Variogram Value Variogram Number Calculation Azimuth Calculation Dip Variogram Type Variogram Tail Index Variogram Head Index
0 1.0 13.055639 44.0 0.013837 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 1.0 34.531689 407.0 0.100780 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
2 1.0 61.017428 790.0 0.262916 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
3 1.0 90.311682 1250.0 0.447996 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
4 1.0 120.364562 1541.0 0.610774 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
In [23]:
var_model = gs.Program(program=exedir+'varmodel')
In [24]:
parstr = """      Parameters for VARMODEL
{varmodel_outfl}             -file for modeled variogram points output
1                            -number of directions to model points along
0.0   0.0  150   3          -  azm, dip, npoints, point separation
2    0.01                   -nst, nugget effect
3    ?    0.0   0.0   0.0    -it,cc,azm,dip,tilt (ang1,ang2,ang3)
        ?     ?     ?    -a_hmax, a_hmin, a_vert (ranges)
3    ?    0.0   0.0   0.0    -it,cc,azm,dip,tilt (ang1,ang2,ang3)
        ?     ?     ?    -a_hmax, a_hmin, a_vert (ranges)
1   100000                   -fit model (0=no, 1=yes), maximum iterations
1.0                          -  variogram sill (can be fit, but not recommended in most cases)
1                            -  number of experimental files to use
{varcalc_outfl}              -    experimental output file 1
1 {var_index}                          -      # of variograms (<=0 for all), variogram #s
1   0   10                   -  # pairs weighting, inverse distance weighting, min pairs
0     10.0                   -  fix Hmax/Vert anis. (0=no, 1=yes)
1      1.0                   -  fix Hmin/Hmax anis. (0=no, 1=yes)
{varmodelfit_outfl}          -  file to save fit variogram model

for i, variable in enumerate(dat_ns.variables):
    varmodel_outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'varmodel_{}.out'.format(variable.replace(' ', '')))
    varmodelfit_outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'varmodelfit_{}.out'.format(variable.replace(' ', ''))) varmodel_outfl,
                                       varmodelfit_outfl = varmodelfit_outfl,
                                       var_index = i+1,
                                       varcalc_outfl = varcalc_outfl), liveoutput=True, quiet=False)
Calling:  ['../pygeostat/executable/varmodel', 'temp']

varmodel version: 1.1.1

  output points file: Output/varmodel_NS_TopElevation.out
  number of directions to model points along:            1
  azm, dip, npoints, pointsep:   0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000
         150   3.00000000000000     
  nst =           2
 c0 constrained to  1.000000000000000E-002  1.000000000000000E-002
  fit model?            1      100000
  number of variogram files:            1
  variogram file: Output/varcalc.out
  using variograms            1
  # pairs wt, inv dist wt, min pairs:            1           0          10
  fixhmaxvert,hmaxvert:            0   10.0000000000000     
  fixhminhmax,hminhmax:            1   1.00000000000000     
  variogram model output file: Output/varmodelfit_NS_TopElevation.out
 Reading experimental variograms for variogram fitting
  Fitting variograms
 Starting objective value =   7.435192655439769E-003
 Final objective value =   2.138122896606979E-003
  Modeling points

varmodel completed successfully

Calling:  ['../pygeostat/executable/varmodel', 'temp']

varmodel version: 1.1.1

  output points file: Output/varmodel_NS_Thickness.out
  number of directions to model points along:            1
  azm, dip, npoints, pointsep:   0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000
         150   3.00000000000000     
  nst =           2
 c0 constrained to  1.000000000000000E-002  1.000000000000000E-002
  fit model?            1      100000
  number of variogram files:            1
  variogram file: Output/varcalc.out
  using variograms            2
  # pairs wt, inv dist wt, min pairs:            1           0          10
  fixhmaxvert,hmaxvert:            0   10.0000000000000     
  fixhminhmax,hminhmax:            1   1.00000000000000     
  variogram model output file: Output/varmodelfit_NS_Thickness.out
 Reading experimental variograms for variogram fitting
  Fitting variograms
 Starting objective value =   2.052234012738117E-003
 Final objective value =   6.989023087540335E-004
  Modeling points

varmodel completed successfully

In [25]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1 , 2, figsize=(14, 5))

for i, variable in enumerate(dat_ns.variables):
    varmodel_outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'varmodel_{}.out'.format(variable.replace(' ', '')))
    varmdl = gs.DataFile(varmodel_outfl)
    gs.variogram_plot(varfl_exp, index = i+1, color = 'b', grid=True,
                      label='Experimental Variogram', title=variable, ax = axes[i])
    gs.variogram_plot(varmdl, index = 1, color = 'b', 
                      label='Model Variogram', title=variable, ax = axes[i], experimental=False)

5. Simulation and Back-transformation

The Top Elevation and Thickness is simulated using sequential Gaussian simulation, before back-transforming to original units.

Sequential Gaussian Simulation

In [26]:
simdir = os.path.join(outdir,'USGSIM/')
usgsim = gs.Program('usgsim')
In [27]:
# loading the variogram models
var_models = []
for i, variable in enumerate(dat_ns.variables):
    varmodelfit_outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'varmodelfit_{}.out'.format(variable.replace(' ', '')))
    with open(varmodelfit_outfl, 'r') as f:
        varmodel_ = f.readlines()
    varstr = ''''''
    for line in varmodel_:
        varstr += line
In [28]:
parstr = """               Parameters for USGSIM

1                             -number of realizations to generate, 0=kriging
2                             -number of variables being simulated
0                             -number of rock types to consider
{seed}                        -random number seed
{outfl}                       -file for simulation output
0                             -  output format: (0=reg, 1=coord, 2=binary)
impute.out                    -file for imputed values in case of heterotopic samples
0                             -debugging level: 0,1,2,3
sgsim.dbg                     -file for debugging output 

25                            -number of data to use per variable
300 300   10                  -maximum search radii (hmax,hmin,vert)
0 0 0                         -angles for search ellipsoid
1                             -sort by distance (0) or covariance (1)
0 1 1                         -if sorting by covariance, indicate variogram rock type, head, tail to use

2                             -number of variograms
0  1  1                       -rock type, variable 1, variable 2
0  2  2                       -rock type, variable 1, variable 2

{datafl}                      -file with primary data
{xyzcols}    0  0             -  columns for X,Y,Z,wt,rock type
{varcols}                     -  columns for variables
1                             -  clip data to grid, 1=yes
1                             -  assign to the grid, 0=none, 1=nearest, 2=average
-8.0       1.0e21             -  trimming limits
pars = dict(griddef=griddef, varmodel1=var_models[0],
            varmodel2=var_models[1], datafl=dat_ns.flname, 
callpars = []
seeds = gs.rseed_list(nreal, seed=23243)
for i, seed in enumerate(seeds):  
    pars['seed'] = seed
    pars['outfl'] = simdir+'real{}.out'.format(i+1)
gs.runparallel(usgsim, callpars, progressbar=True)
Creating parallel processes
Pool assembled, asynchronously processing
Asynchronous execution finished.

Inspect a Gaussian realization

This step is not strictly required, but is presented for demonstration.

In [34]:
# Read in the simulation to inspect
sim = gs.DataFile(os.path.join(simdir,'real1.out'))

# Rename the simulation columns
sim.variables = dat_ns.variables

# Summary statistics
print('\nProperties of the realization:\n', sim.describe())
Properties of the realization:
        NS_Top Elevation  NS_Thickness
count      13200.000000  13200.000000
mean           0.062761      0.092549
std            1.017870      0.985365
min           -3.413512     -2.762670
25%           -0.606607     -0.579754
50%            0.147230      0.093837
75%            0.764310      0.749418
max            2.821660      3.112644
In [35]:
# The gs.subplots is useful when multiple panels are plotted that 
# should use the same colorbar
fig, axes = gs.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 10), cbar_mode='single')
for var, ax in zip(dat_ns.variables, axes):
    gs.slice_plot(sim, var=var, vlim=(-3, 3), title=var+' Realization', ax=ax, grid=True)


Note that ubacktr program only requires a prefix of the transformation table, before it infers the file name based on the number of variables and categories.

In [32]:
backdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'UBACKTR/')
ubacktr = gs.Program('ubacktr')
In [33]:
parstr = """                  Parameters for UBACKTR
{datafl}                    -file with simulated Gaussian variables (see Note6)
-7.0 1.0e21                 -  trimming limits
2                           -  number of variables
1 2                         -  columns for variables
0                           -number of rocktypes (NRT) (0 if none)
nofile.out                  -  file for simulated RTs (see Note1 and Note6)
5                           -  column for RT 
31 32 34 35 36 37           -  RT category codes (see Note2)
{nx} {ny} 1                 -nx, ny, nz (0=calculated)(see Note3)
1                           -number of realizations
{trnfl}                     -prefix for trans tables (see Note4 and Note7)
{outfl}                     -output file (see Note6)
pars = dict(nx=griddef.nx, ny=griddef.ny, trnfl=os.path.join(outdir,'nscore'))
callpars = []
for i in range(nreal):
    pars['datafl'] = os.path.join(simdir,'real{}.out'.format(i+1))
    pars['outfl'] = os.path.join(backdir,'real{}.out'.format(i+1))
gs.runparallel(ubacktr, callpars, progressbar=True)
Creating parallel processes
Pool assembled, asynchronously processing
Asynchronous execution finished.

Location map for realization

Generate a figure for each variable, where a single color bar is used for multiple realizations.

In [36]:
for var in dat.variables:
    fig, axes = gs.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8), cbar_mode='single')
    # Color limits based on the data
    vlim = (np.round(dat[var].min()), np.round(dat[var].max()))
    for real, ax in enumerate(axes):
        sim = gs.DataFile(os.path.join(backdir,'real{}.out').format(real+1))
        # Renaming columns = dat.variables
        sim.variables = dat.variables
        gs.slice_plot(sim, var=var, title='Realization {}'.format(real+1),
                    pointdata=dat, pointkws={'edgecolors':'k', 's':25, 'lw': 1},
                    vlim=vlim, cbar_label='m', ax=ax, grid=True)

    # Label the figure
    fig.suptitle(var, **{'weight':'bold'})

6. Simulation Checking

Check that the realizations reproduce the histogram and variogram of the data.

Histogram reproduction

Option 1:

Using histogram plot iteratively

In [39]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))

# Realizations
for real in range(nreal):
    sim = gs.DataFile(os.path.join(backdir,'real{}.out').format(real+1))
    # Renaming columns = dat.variables
    sim.variables = dat.variables
    for i, (var, ax) in enumerate(zip(dat.variables, axes)):
        gs.histogram_plot(sim, var=var, ax=ax, icdf=True, color='k', grid =True, stat_blk=False, alpha=0.5, lw = 0.5)

# Reference data
for i, (var, ax) in enumerate(zip(dat.variables, axes)):
    gs.histogram_plot(dat, var=var, ax=ax, icdf=True, color='r', grid =True, weights='Declustering Weight', lw = 1)

Option 2

Using histogram plot for simulation results and a '*' wildcard that leads the plotting function to assume 1,...,nreal files are present.

In [38]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
for i, (var, ax) in enumerate(zip(dat.variables, axes)):
    gs.histogram_plot_simulation(os.path.join(backdir,'real*.out'), dat, reference_variable=var, 
                                 reference_weight=True, reference_color='C3', simulated_column=i+1, 
                                 title=var, ax=ax, grid=True)

Variogram reproduction

The variogram of the data in original units must be calculated first, since the normal score variogram was previously calculated.

In [40]:
# Calculate the experimental variograms for data in original unit
var_calc = gs.Program(program='varcalc')
In [41]:
parstr = """      Parameters for VARCALC
{file}                             -file with data
2 3 0                              -   columns for X, Y, Z coordinates
2 4 5                           -   number of variables,column numbers (position used for tail,head variables below)
{t_min}    1.0e21                   -   trimming limits
{n_directions}                                  -number of directions
0.0 90 10000 0.0 22.5 1000 0.0   -Dir 01: azm,azmtol,bandhorz,dip,diptol,bandvert,tilt
 {n_lag}  {lag_length}  {lag_tol}            -        number of lags,lag distance,lag tolerance
{output}                          -file for experimental variogram points output.
0                                 -legacy output (0=no, 1=write out gamv2004 format)
1                                 -run checks for common errors
1                                  -standardize sills? (0=no, 1=yes)
2                                 -number of variogram types
1   1   1   {sill1}                     -tail variable, head variable, variogram type (and cutoff/category), sill
2   2   1   {sill2}                     -tail variable, head variable, variogram type (and cutoff/category), sill

ori_varcalc_outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'ori_varcalc.out')
top_sill=dat['Top Elevation'].var()
                                  n_directions = 1,
                                  t_min = gs.Parameters['data.tmin'],
                                  lag_length = 30.0,
                                  lag_tol = 20.0,
Calling:  ['varcalc', 'temp']

varcalc version:  1.400

  data file: Output/declus.out
  x,y,z columns:            2           3           0
  number of variables:            2
  Variable columns:            4           5
  tmin,tmax:   -998.000000000000       1.000000000000000E+021
  number of directions:            1
  direction parameters:
 azm,azmtol,bandhorz  0.000000000000000E+000   90.0000000000000     
 dip,diptol,bandvert  0.000000000000000E+000   22.5000000000000     
 tilt  0.000000000000000E+000
 nlags,lagdist,lagtol          10   30.0000000000000     
  output file: Output/ori_varcalc.out
  legacy output?            0
  run checks?            1
  attempt to standardize sills?            1
  number of variogram types:            2
 Variogram tail,head,type           1           1           1
  standardizing with sill =   6.79691696221758     
 Variogram tail,head,type           2           2           1
  standardizing with sill =   19.1567428156446     
 Reading data file
 Setting up final parameters for variogram calculation
 Calculating variograms...
  working on direction            1
In [42]:
var_model = gs.Program(program='varmodel')
In [43]:
parstr = """      Parameters for VARMODEL
{varmodel_outfl}             -file for modeled variogram points output
1                            -number of directions to model points along
0.0   0.0  150   3          -  azm, dip, npoints, point separation
2    0.01                   -nst, nugget effect
3    ?    0.0   0.0   0.0    -it,cc,azm,dip,tilt (ang1,ang2,ang3)
        ?     ?     ?    -a_hmax, a_hmin, a_vert (ranges)
3    ?    0.0   0.0   0.0    -it,cc,azm,dip,tilt (ang1,ang2,ang3)
        ?     ?     ?    -a_hmax, a_hmin, a_vert (ranges)
1   100000                   -fit model (0=no, 1=yes), maximum iterations
1.0                          -  variogram sill (can be fit, but not recommended in most cases)
1                            -  number of experimental files to use
{varcalc_outfl}              -    experimental output file 1
1 {var_index}                          -      # of variograms (<=0 for all), variogram #s
1   0   10                   -  # pairs weighting, inverse distance weighting, min pairs
0     10.0                   -  fix Hmax/Vert anis. (0=no, 1=yes)
1      1.0                   -  fix Hmin/Hmax anis. (0=no, 1=yes)
{varmodelfit_outfl}          -  file to save fit variogram model

for i, variable in enumerate(dat.variables):
    varmodel_outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'varmodel_{}.out'.format(variable.replace(' ', '')))
    varmodelfit_outfl = os.path.join(outdir, 'varmodelfit_{}.out'.format(variable.replace(' ', ''))) varmodel_outfl,
                                       varmodelfit_outfl = varmodelfit_outfl,
                                       var_index = i+1,
                                       varcalc_outfl = ori_varcalc_outfl), liveoutput=False, quiet=True)
    tempfile= open(varmodelfit_outfl,"r")
In [44]:
ori_varfl_exp = gs.DataFile(ori_varcalc_outfl)
Variogram Index Lag Distance Number of Pairs Variogram Value Variogram Number Calculation Azimuth Calculation Dip Variogram Type Variogram Tail Index Variogram Head Index
0 1.0 13.055639 44.0 0.015463 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 1.0 34.531689 407.0 0.095747 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
2 1.0 61.017428 790.0 0.265807 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
3 1.0 90.311682 1250.0 0.460748 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
4 1.0 120.364562 1541.0 0.624201 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
In [45]:
C:\Users\MostafaHadavand\Documents\GitRepo\pygeostat_public\examples\tmpp6hqok3c\varsim.par has been copied to the clipboard
In [46]:
parstr = """                 Parameters for VarSim

nodata.dat        -file with lithology information
0   7                        -   lithology column (0=not used), code
{datafl}       -file with data
1   {varcol}             -   number of variables, column numbers
-998   1.0e21       -   trimming limits
{outfl}             -output file for variograms of realizations
{outfl2}        -output file for average variogram
1                     -number of realizations
1 60                 -number of directions, number of lags
1  0  0              -ixd(1),iyd(1),izd(1)
1                     -standardize sill? (0=no, 1=yes)
1                     -number of variograms
1   1   1             -tail variable, head variable, variogram type


for j,var in enumerate(dat.variables):
    for i in range(nreal):'real{}.out'.format(i+1),
In [48]:
# for each variable, read variograms of all realizations into one data file
for j,var in enumerate(dat.variables):
    tempfile= gs.DataFile(varsim_dir+'varsim{f1}_{f2}.out'.format(f1=1,f2=var), readfl=True)
    for i in range(nreal):
        tempfile= gs.DataFile(varsim_dir+'varsim{f1}_{f2}.out'.format(f1=i+1,f2=var), readfl=True)
        tempfile['Variogram Index']=i+1
        tempfile['Variogram Number']=1

    varsimulated_data[var] = gs.DataFile(data=tempdata)
In [49]:
Variogram Index Lag Distance Number of Pairs Variogram Value Variogram Number Calculation Azimuth Calculation Dip Variogram Type
0 1.0 10.0 13090.0 0.02207 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
1 1.0 20.0 12980.0 0.04635 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
2 1.0 30.0 12870.0 0.08439 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
3 1.0 40.0 12760.0 0.13205 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
4 1.0 50.0 12650.0 0.18763 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5995 100.0 560.0 7040.0 1.08467 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
5996 100.0 570.0 6930.0 1.05797 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
5997 100.0 580.0 6820.0 1.02919 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
5998 100.0 590.0 6710.0 0.99997 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0
5999 100.0 600.0 6600.0 0.97200 1.0 90.0 0.0 1.0

6000 rows × 8 columns

In [50]:
for var in dat.variables:
    reference_model[var]['Distance']=vargmodel[var]['Lag Distance']
    reference_model[var]['Variogram']=vargmodel[var]['Variogram Value']
    # varsimulated_data = varsimdata2['varsim1']
In [51]:
# plot figures
for i, var in enumerate(dat.variables):
    _=gs.variogram_plot_simulation(simulated_data=varsimulated_data[var].data, simulated_var_id=1,
                                         xlim=(0, 300), ax=ax[i], variable=var, legend_label='experimental variogram')

7. Construct the Base Surface Realizations

Subtract the thickness from the top elevation, providing the base elevation realizations. Output all values within a single directory.

In [52]:
for real in range(nreal):
    sim = gs.DataFile(os.path.join(backdir,'real{}.out'.format(real+1)))['Top Elevation', 'Thickness']
    sim['Base Elevation'] = sim['Top Elevation'] - sim['Thickness']
In [53]:
var = 'Base Elevation'
vlim = (np.round(dat[var].min()), np.round(dat[var].max()))
fig, axes = gs.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8), cbar_mode='single')
for real, ax in enumerate(axes):
    sim = gs.DataFile(os.path.join(surfdir,'real{}.out'.format(real+1)))
    gs.slice_plot(sim, var=var, title='Realization {}'.format(real+1),
                pointdata=dat, pointkws={'edgecolors':'k', 's':25, 'lw':1},
                cbar_label='m', ax=ax, grid=True)
fig.suptitle(var, **{'weight':'bold'})
Text(0.5,0.98,'Base Elevation')

VTK visualization of the top and base surfaces

Output coordinates will be in single precision 'float32' following the gsParams setting below (may be problematic with large utms). This is used here to conserve output file size.

When the DataFile is initialized, it is registered as a structured grid (dftype='sgrid') with specified z coordinates.

Use of a vtk extension in writefile leads to VTK output, where x and y coordinates are assumed to follow the regular grid, whereas z follows irregular coordinates. Note that at least one coordinate must be irregular for sgrid to register as valid.

In [54]:
gs.Parameters['data.write_vtk.cdtype'] = 'float32'
for var in ['Base Elevation', 'Top Elevation']:
    sim = gs.DataFile(os.path.join(surfdir,'real1.out'), z=var, dftype='sgrid', griddef=griddef)
    sim.write_file(os.path.join(outdir,'{}_real1.vtk'.format(var)), variables=[var])

9. Cleaning Directories and Files

In [55]: